Saturday, February 11, 2012

Starting Out-Just Another Blog??

So I told a friend that I would help her with her baby shower and now I'm head of the decorations committee. Woo hoo! I volunteered thinking I make a couple cute things but now that I've started researching ideas and visiting craft stores(how can they have three aisles of stickers!?!)I can't seem to stop thinking of new ideas or things I want to try and make. I started by pinning a couple of my homemade things to Pinterest and they were repinned and liked enough that I decided to start a place that I could call my own. Now of course I search the internet and find and use other people's idea's and patterns but I will give credit where due and post a link so other's can use that same great idea. I really hope that I am able to keep up with posting new ideas, recipes, projects or whatever else I want to because it's MY blog.


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