Sunday, April 21, 2013

Chair Redo

 I bought this chair at Dig n' Save for $5. I had to use wood glue to fix a few small spots but overall it was in good shape. Here's what I had to do.

Flip chair over and unscrew the seat. 

Close up view of screws.
Seat is off!

One coat of chalk paint.
Two coats of paint. I did three coats all together just because I wanted it pure white.
Lay fabric($8.99/yd at Hobby Lobby, I missed the sale price and was too impatient to wait until it went on sale again) over the seat. Figure out where you want the print to lay on the seat. 
Fold fabric around the seat and staple using a staple gun. Make sure to pull it tight and that your fabric print stays where you want it. 
I had to cut some fabric out to avoid bulk around the corners. 

This is how I did the corners. It usually takes a couple tries to get it right. 

Screw the seat back in and Ta Da! I plan on protecting it with clear furniture wax but I'm waiting for the weather to get nicer so I can do it in my garage since it is smelly stuff. 

I Did This, Can You?


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